Long-time readers of this humble blog may recall the first time I presented the Second Afghan War-related 1/6th scale work of artist and master model-maker Tony Barton — famous in 15mm-18mm Napoleonic circles as the sculptor behind the highly-regarded AB Figures range.

Needless to say, the Duke of Albany’s Own Highlanders are my favorite British regiment from the Second Afghan War, and I had hoped one day to see the incredibly-talented Mr. Barton, who is also a fan of the Regiment, turn his attention to creating a soldier from this unit, and I have to say the results are quite spectacular, as you can see below…

There is more to be seen, including some very interesting reference images — a contemporary photo and a sketch made by a Sergeant from the regiment — which can all be seen & read about via this LINK to “onesixthwarriors.com”…

Sergeant, 72nd Highlanders, Afghanistan, 1879 – G.I. Joe style

PS  The 72nd Highlanders were present at the Oct. 6th battle of Charasiab, and I hope to have a new post on a small addition to my terrain layout for that battle very soon.  I’m all done with the piece, but still need to find time to upload the pics!