by madguru | Oct 24, 2012 | Afghan Wars & North-West Frontier, British Army, Figure Conversions, Miniature Figures
(1) ANOTHER “BALA HISSAR OR BUST!” CONVERSIONFirst up is another conversion for my First Afghan War, “Bala Hissar or Bust!” project. It’s another soldier of the 44th Regt. of Foot, this one wearing a fur coat.The body comes courtesy...
by madguru | Sep 21, 2012 | Afghan Wars & North-West Frontier, British Army, Figure Conversions, Scenarios & Army Lists
Despite not being as actively-updated as I’d like for it to be, this blog has passed a couple of benchmarks lately that I want to take a moment to mention. It was graced by a visitor from its 100th different country, COLOMBIA (then surprisingly soon after by a...
by madguru | Sep 13, 2012 | Camerone, Fellow Gamers, Maximillian Intervention
Nick Stern and I spent CAMERONE DAY 2012 — the 139th Anniversary of the April 30, 1863 battle — refighting it in miniature on a 10’x6′ table, using 5 of my 6 Maiwand terrain-boards, some of my buildings and fruit trees, Nick’s terrific...
by madguru | Sep 12, 2012 | Battle Reports, Camerone, Maximillian Intervention
Captain Danjou orders his men to hold their fire until the Mexicans close within effective range…As the cavalry thunderously approach, the Company’s Mexican muleteer, Jose Dominguez, chases after his pair of errant charges –Danjou gives the command...
by madguru | Sep 9, 2012 | Afghan Regular Army, Afghan Wars & North-West Frontier
Recently on the Colonial Wars Yahoo Group there has been some discussion of 25mm-28mm figures available to model the Afghan regular army of the Second Afghan War (1878-1880) era.As someone with close to a lifelong interest in the subject, I couldn’t help but get...