by madguru | May 7, 2013 | Battle Reports, Camerone, Fellow Gamers, Maximillian Intervention
CLICK HERE to visit 2nd set of pics…
by madguru | May 5, 2013 | Battle Reports, Camerone, Fellow Gamers, Maximillian Intervention
My gaming/photographer buddy Matthew has kindly posted 167 pics he took this past Tuesday, April 30th, of our 150th Anniversary refight of the Battle of Camerone (THANK YOU, MATTHEW!)Here’s a taste:If you’d like to see the rest of them — and they are...
by madguru | May 3, 2013 | Battle Reports, Camerone, Fellow Gamers, Maximillian Intervention
No time to talk, but just enough time to post some more pics…
by madguru | May 1, 2013 | Battle Reports, Camerone, Fellow Gamers, Maximillian Intervention
Wow.What a day — and night.We started at 10:00am… but not really. Tweeked some things on the table, gave the Hand of Danjou a going over with some fine grain sandpaper and a second coat of wood stain, finished up dry-brushing the handful of Mexican...
by madguru | Sep 12, 2012 | Battle Reports, Camerone, Maximillian Intervention
Captain Danjou orders his men to hold their fire until the Mexicans close within effective range…As the cavalry thunderously approach, the Company’s Mexican muleteer, Jose Dominguez, chases after his pair of errant charges –Danjou gives the command...
by madguru | Jul 24, 2012 | Battle Reports, Camerone, Conventions, Fellow Gamers, Maximillian Intervention
Here’s just a teaser of 3 pics from Michael Montemarano and Rich Hasenaeur’s epic Camerone game at Historicon in Fredericksburg, VA this past weekend:If all goes well I will have a lot more pics from the 3 games played on this impressive set-up during the...