by madguru | Jan 22, 2012 | Afghan Wars & North-West Frontier, Battle Reports, Conventions, Fellow Gamers, TSATF
THESE 50 PICS SHOW:Major John Ready marches his Baggage Guard, consisting of a combined unit of British and Indian Infantry made up of troops from all three Infantry battalions, and unit of Indian cavalry, East, towards the village of Khig…Afghans move their...
by madguru | Jan 22, 2012 | Afghan Wars & North-West Frontier, Battle Reports, Conventions, Fellow Gamers, TSATF
After a couple months’ delay, I’m happy to finally post approximately 350 good pics of the “Maiwand Saturday” game I ran at Colonial Barracks, on Saturday, November 5th, 2011, from 10:00am ’til 5:00, with about 2 hours spent on a pair of...
by madguru | Nov 23, 2011 | Conventions, Fellow Gamers, TSATF
On Sunday December 18th, 2011, in conjunction with the ST. CRISPIN’S IRREGULARS gaming club, I will be bringing MAIWAND DAY down to the Kabel Gallery at the MUZEO museum in Anaheim, California.MUZEO LINKLINK TO ST. CRISPIN’S IRREGULARS MEET-UP PAGEThis is...
by madguru | Nov 23, 2011 | Battle Reports, Fellow Gamers, TSATF
First, to any and all followers of this blog, I want to apologize for taking so long to put up a post re: my somewhat epic trek there-and-back-again to New Orleans. Colonial Barracks — the world’s first-ever all-TSATF convention — was a tremendous...
by madguru | Oct 31, 2011 | Conventions, Other, TSATF
Man am I beat — between ref’ing soccer games all day Saturday, teaching an all-day class at the Boy Scout merit badge midway Sunday, and non-stop work the week before, I am literally about to keel over, BUT… somehow I have managed to eek out the time...
by madguru | Sep 22, 2011 | Conventions, TSATF
Word got out about a week ago that “Maiwand Day” will be participating in the first ever all-TSATF gaming convention, “Colonial Barracks,” to be held on the weekend of November 4th through 6th, at the Sheration Metairie-New Orleans Hotel in...