Just in case any UK-based readers of this blog are interested, Season 2 of KNIGHTFALLpremieres this coming Tuesday, July 2ndat 9pm on HISTORY UK.LINK to the History UK website’s “KnightFall” page: mentioned in...

Medieval gaming at 1:1 scale

It’s been way too long since my last post on this blog.Starting in Spring 2018, a little less than a year ago, so-called “Real Life” just got too insanely busy.A big part of that was a new project at work that required my partner and I to spend about...

A few figure comparison pics

With the recent release of Artizan’s first mounted Bengal Cavalry for their Second Afghan War range, Jeff Baumal AKA: Sgt. Guiness asked me how the figures in said range stack up size-wise against various other makers such as Wargames Foundry, Old Glory, Perry,...

Return to the Logar Valley – In Force

As rumored, a substantial Field Force was dispatched on a PUNITIVE EXPEDITION to chastise the Logar Valley Tribesmen for the still-unexplained disappearance of the British Heliograph Team stationed in the old citadel on “Tower Hill,” and for attempting to...