As I write this it is 12:59am on Monday, April 30th, 2012.

Later today will be the 149th anniversary of the battle of Camerone.

Though this blog is devoted to wargaming the Second Anglo-Afghan War in general, and the battle of Maiwand in particular, I must confess that as a boy I was a devotee of Camerone and the French Foreign Legion before I had heard of the Battle of Maiwand.  With the rather momentous 150th anniversary of Camerone coming in just one year, I have been planning for some time to do for that anniversary of Camerone what I did for the 130th anniversary of Maiwand a little less than 2 years ago, and build terrain and raise troops expressly for a miniature game to be played on the big day in question.  Late this past Summer I started a blog to keep track of the process.  Until now I haven’t publicized its existence, since I haven’t put much of note up yet.  But tomorrow — on Camerone Day — I will be participating in a one-year early “play-test”, thanks to my good friend Nick Stern, who drove down from Northern California, with his car filled with Legionnaires, Mexicans, and the Hacienda de la Trinidad (all in 28mm of course!).  I hope to have an AAR on tomorrow’s game up on the new blog very soon.  For anyone who’s interested, please check it out here:


And to tide you over until I manage to post the many pics of the new rocky hill and the battle of Charasiab, here’s just a few more — plus a couple showing some new JTT Micro-Scale pine-trees I picked up at Allied Model Trains, that look to me exactly like the pine-trees in pics from the battle of Peiwar Kotal…