It’s been a momentous couple of weeks here at the Maiwand Day household, starting with my youngest child’s Bat Mitzvah (ceremony and celebration for reaching the age of maturity and responsability in the Jewish religion), then the Unveiling of my father’s gravestone in New York (he passed away in December 2013), then dropping my son off at Cornell University upstate in Ithaca, New York, then visiting some other prospective East Coast colleges with my rising high school Sophomore older daughter.  We got back to Los Angeles on Saturday night, with two kids instead of our customary three.  I’m bummed my son is not around but I’m very proud of him and very happy for him since he’s where he wants to be.
With my son across the country and my youngest child now a teenager who officially counts as an “adult” for religious purposes, I can’t help but think it’s kind of childhood’s end here at our place.  Still, the games must go on… and so I managed over the past two days to complete the one remaining item on the “To Do” list for my Charasiab terrain lay-out: the latex caulk road system.
I will put up a post showing the later stages of resin pours and then removing the dams from the edges of the boards, and also making the caulk roads — but tonight I am simply posting a handful of pics I just took of the (virtually) finished layout.  I use the “virtually” qualifier because there are a couple of small items I will still be working to add, and possibly one large additional item as well — the tall mountainside for the North-East corner of the table, on the far side of the Logar River.  Nonetheless as the title of this post states, the terrain is pretty much done.
It’s now the early morning of September 1st, 2015.  September 1st is a somewhat momentous date in the annals of the Second Afghan War, being the day General Roberts engaged Ayub Khan’s army outside Kandahar and decisively defeated it, avenging Ayub’s victory over the British at Maiwand just over a month earlier.  One of the nice things about the terrain I’ve built for Charasiab is that I should be able to reconfigure it to refight Kandahar as well, by connecting all the river boards together and rearranging the rocky hills, but one thing at a time — first I must get a few play-tests in of the Charasiab scenario ASAP, before it’s time to pack everything up and drive to Metarie, Louisiana, just outside New Orleans, for the Colonial Barracks V convention, something I very much hope to pull off this November.
For now, here’s a few pics of the (mostly) finished layout…
View from the South:
Higher angle from the South:

Overhead view:

View from the South-West, Kabul River in the foreground:

View from the East, Logar River in the foreground:

View from the North:

Northerly overhead view:

View from the North-West, Kabul River in the foreground: